My First Post

8 May, 2021

So I advertisd myself on an Electricians network page on Facebook in April and got an enquiry from a guy called Jamie. He owns an electrical business based in Oxted and he said he needed my help. When i started with him the following Monday INconvonced him to get Xero as it is the best financial package. I had to move all of his sales invoices from January onto there and contact his suppliers to get all of his purchase invoices so I could put them on there and when we linked his bank feed I had 147 reconciliations.

I cleared all them and did 15 hours a week for the first two weeks then went down to 10. I do everything I can for him including writing contracts to take 2 employees on, dealing with the accountants, schediling in work and speaking tio customers. I also do his finances process all his purchase invoices and sales invoices and I created a CRM with Hubspot so we can send them through there so we have record of the relationship with the customer. I am realloy enjoying working for him and we get on really well!