Busy Busy Busy!

16 September, 2023

I have really neglected my blog I have just realised but alot has happened over the past year and a bit. I got more clients really busy which I love. I lost a client earlier in the year as I could not work with him anymore which was a shame. I am losing 2 of my electricians as they have been offered good jobs which is sad as I have enjoyed working for them but hopefully I have 2 more lined up to fit the gap soon.

I also will be taking on a good frend of my first client Jamie soon which I am looking forward to. So I won an SBS award in February with Theo Pathitis which I was really happy about and i won an award on Twitter called the Queen of Helping People in May which was nice. Also have been shortlisted for the VA of the year award for best newcomer. So all in all it has been a very bust time but I am going to try and update my blog every month from now on!